Why We Started a Bike Rack Company
Blake is the engineer. Bryce is the MBA. We are brothers and have been riding bikes for decades. We spend hundreds of hours each year carting our kids' bikes to NICA races, organizing messy garages, and Jeeping + MTBing in the Utah desert.

We've realized a few things over the years: bike racks can be janky. They can be rickety and breakable. They can be difficult to use and even difficult to trust. There are features we like on many of the racks out there. We also dug the vertical hanging racks, but we wanted something easier to load, with higher capacity, and with more aggressive pricing. It was actually a local self reliance class in 2018 that gave us the jumpstart to begin a business of our own. We began cutting, bending, and welding to create our first prototypes - a 6-bike and a 7-bike rack. Fast forward through months of 3D modeling, stress and strain calculations, and building more prototypes; we were finally ready for some off-road testing. We'll just put it this way - after all the potholes, ravines in dirt roads, and pinned corners, there were more failures on our Tacoma than on the rack.
We did a lot of tweaking and improving, but despite overloading the heck out of the rack, we never saw any catastrophic breaks. If you want to hear more about the destructive testing we've done, check out our recent interview on the Rubberside Down podcast (around the 17-minute mark). Beyond being bike rack fanatics, we are dads. We have big families and are most proud of building a rack that our younger kids can load and unload. It's even easy to take to the grocery store, as it will pivot down so you can open your trunk. Funny enough, the rack sometimes finds its best use in the garage, as every rack comes with a wall mount so you can rack up your bikes inside, too (we love an organized garage!)

We hope you'll find value in VelociRAX - we sure are proud to stand behind them.